
Jim Carrey Is Asking A Judge To Remove Claims That He Gave His Suicidal Girlfriend STDs...........Jesus Christ

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TOI- Jim Carrey has accused his late girlfriend Cathriona White’s mother of making false allegations against him in her daughter’s death lawsuit. In court documents Carrey has asked the judge to strike all allegations and mention of him suffering from multiple STDs (sexually transmitted diseases) and passing them to White during their relationship, dubbing the claims ‘irrelevant’ to the case. Carrey, 54, also pointed out that in two of White’s suicide notes, she wrote lovingly of him, describing him as family and made no mention of Brigid Sweetman, her mother. “From the two suicide notes, it is indisputable that White looked to Carrey as the person she loved and trusted most,” state the court documents.

Well that’s a fun headline! This isn’t new information regarding Jim Carrey and STDs and his deceased girlfriend but something about this story hit me right in the wrong spot. I gotta tell ya, I don’t love watching my comedy heroes get older. That’s really what it comes down to. I guess that’s just kinda the way it goes though. Famous people get older and sometimes they do super weird shit. Nothing we can do about it (minus them dying at some point along the way and becoming somebody who left before they made too many mistakes like Chris Farley). Call me old fashioned but I would’ve preferred that the guy from Dumb and Dumber (and COUNTLESS other comedy classics) not be associated with a headline that includes the words “judge” and “court” and “girlfriend suicide” and “STDs” It doesn’t even really matter who’s on the right side of this trial or whatever. It’s already incredibly sad. A young girl is dead by suicide and now we’ll always have a weird section of Jim Carrey’s wikipedia page that we’ll try to ignore. Zero winners.