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Waitress at Cracker Barrel's "Tip" Was How She Should Stay At Home So Her Husband Doesn't Cheat On Her

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MSNews - A waitress at a Cracker Barrel in South Carolina received the kind of “tip” most wouldn’t expect: A note explaining to her why, according to the Bible, she should be at home and not working, and even suggesting the woman’s husband was cheating on her while she is on the job.

“The womans place is in the home,” the misspelled and mistake-laden note read. “You’re place is in the home. It even says so in the Bible.”

“You may think that [your] contributing to your household by coming into work, but your not,” the note continued. “While your in here ‘working’ this is the reason your husband must see another women on his way home from a long day at his work. Because you should be takeing [sic] care of the household duties.”

“You may think what you are doing ‘working’ is right, it is really essentially a disgrace to his manhood and to the American family.”

“So instead of coming to your ‘job’ and looking for hand out’s to feed your family, hows about going home and cleaning your house and cooking a hot meal for your husband and children, the way you’re husband and God intended, and help make America great again. Praying for families and our nation.”

Amen, hallelujah. How dare this woman show up for work when there is already plenty of work to do in the house. Those floors aren’t going to sweep themselves, and I certainly know that toilet ain’t gonna scrub itself neither. While she’s at work skipping around serving people biscuits, her husband is doing the only reasonable thing and fucking other women because that’s obviously how male behavior works- if our chick wants to do something as stupidly ridiculous as earn her own money, our first instinct is to stick our dicks into someone else. Sorry, it’s just nature.

And a double amen and hallelujah to that last paragraph. Hey bitch, what the fuck are you even thinking coming to your “job”, looking for hand outs to feed your family? I mean if you even call that work a job. A real job would be raising the children, not setting grits down and walking away. God didn’t intend for a woman to “work”, unless that work is making me a steak and giving me a blowjob. Fucking hell, President Trump can’t come soon enough. And he better end term limits and crown himself king, I can’t fathom ever walking into a restaurant and seeing a WOMAN WORKING ever again. #MakeAmericaGreatAgain