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Anthony Weiner Allegedly Had An Online Relationship With A 15 Year Old Girl And Said Some DESPICABLE Stuff To Her

Daily Mail- Anthony Weiner carried on a months-long online sexual relationship with a 15-year-old girl during which she claims he asked her to dress up in ‘school-girl’ outfits for him on a video messaging application and pressed her to engage in ‘rape fantasies’, can exclusively report. The girl, whose name is being withheld by because she is a minor, said the online relationship began last January while she was a high school sophomore and before Weiner’s wife, Hillary Clinton’s aide Huma Abedin, announced she was ended their marriage. Weiner was aware that the girl was underage, according to interviews with the girl and her father, as well as a cache of online messages.

In the online messages, Weiner, 51, sent bare-chested photos of himself to the underage girl, repeatedly called her ‘baby’ and complimented her body, and told her that he woke up ‘hard’ after thinking about her, according to copies of the conversations. In one particularly lewd message, he told the teen: ‘I would bust that tight p***y so hard and so often that you would leak and limp for a week.’ When confronted with the claims, Weiner did not deny exchanging ‘flirtatious’ messages with the teen. He declined to comment on the specifics of the allegations on the record, but provided copies of two emails the girl sent him that he contends raised questions about her claims. publishes them below. He gave a statement to in which he says, in part: ‘I have repeatedly demonstrated terrible judgement about the people I have communicated with online and the things I have sent. I am filled with regret and heartbroken for those I have hurt.’

Well there goes all the fun out of the Carlos Danger story line. It was all fun and games when a guy named Weiner physically couldn’t stop himself from sending pictures of his cock to people. It was all a barrel of laughs when he was telling chicks he was deceptively strong like a mongoose. The Tony Weiner/Charlie Danger saga was a bloggers dream from the minute that ostrich looking motherfucker started slinging his dick all around cyberspace.

But we can officially put all the fun and games to rest and just label this guy a sick fuck. Nothing funny about having online relationships with 15 year old girls talking about how you want to rape them. I don’t know where a weasel like Anthony Weiner gets off having the confidence and arrogance to do this kind of shit but I hope someone puts an end to that shit real quick. You shouldn’t get to tell underage girls you’re going to “bust their pussy open.” Fucking deplorable man. Hopefully there’s some sort of charges and he ends up in prison with someone else busting him open.