
Queen's Guard Officer Caught Snorting Cocaine Off A Ceremonial Sword

What an awesome video. You know what I’ve realized recently? I’ve realized the greatest job in the world is being part of the unit that guards some of our most powerful/nominally powerful people on the planet. Think about it. What stories do we always hear about Secret Service agents? We always hear about them hanging out in some foreign land, fucking 200 hookers, getting drunk and snorting blow. Well apparently same goes for the Queen’s Guard. I mean I get it. That job has to be boring as fuck when you’re not on the job. Or even when you’re on the job. So much standing around doing nothing. Those guards gotta let their hair down from time to time. If you’re gonna snort coke, you gotta look cool while snorting coke. Anybody can snort coke in a bathroom stall. Anybody can snort coke off a hooker’s ass. But snorting coke off a ceremonial sword in a giant palace is #PowerMovesOnly.