
Texas Dude Rides His Horse Into A Taco Bell And I Guess That's Not Normal Down There?


Eater- There’s just something about giant quadrupeds and Taco Bells that gets Texans riled up. A man in North Texas gained internet fame this week for brazenly riding a horse into his friendly neighborhood Taco Bell. According to Fox, Commerce resident Lathan Crump had just wrapped up a day at the local rodeo and decided to make his way on horseback to Taco Bell for his usual-post ride meal. Convinced by his friends, Crump decided to trot his horse through the doors of the restaurant. The moment was captured on Instagram and shared with the world.



I don’t mean to cast stereotypes onto Texas like so many people do with Iowa all the time but I just assumed cowboys popped into restaurants with their horses all the time down there? I figured every fast food joint equipped itself with whatever horses eat so it could share a meal with its cowboy. Everyone seemed shocked by the appearance of the man and his horse so I guess I’m wrong. By the way, it’s all fun and games until you feed that horse a crunch wrap supreme and it paints the walls with shit. A fire hose of shit. All those people were laughing and having a grand ol’ time. Just you wait. You’ve had Taco Bell. We’ve all had Taco Bell. You know what it does to your intestines and/or all of your major organs. It’s delicious but it sends you Usain Bolting to the nearest bathroom. Now think about a horse eating T Bell and it’s almost hard to imagine just how violent that poop would be.