
Reader Email – The Coachella Music Festival Is Threatening To Send A Cease And Desist To KFC Radio's Couchella



Reader Email


I am counsel for AEG Live and Goldenvoice, the producers of the Coachella Valley Music and Arts Festival (“Coachella”) and was recently forwarded information regarding your podcast and live events, specifically Couchella.

While we LOVE the enthusiasm and think you have a great podcast, we also have a need to protect our marks and dilution of our brand. I know your live event at Caroline’s has already taken place, but there are still a lot of remnants (especially online) which cause people to think that we are involved with it.



Rather than sending a formal cease and desist, I wanted to reach out and simply ask if you could please remove the images and use a different name going forward. There’s no problem with you leaving the current podcasts as they are, but we would appreciate if no additional use of the name is made. Likewise, please don’t use our logo or poster in the future.

We want to be reasonable, so if you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to call me.

Many thanks,

Senior Counsel
AEG Live
425 W. 11th Street, Suite 400
Los Angeles, CA 90015



The first thing I did when I received this was actually write this guy back begging him to sue us.   The 2nd thing I did was call The People’s Lawyer (my dad) who is now chomping at the bit as we speak to sink his teeth into this one.  Just like a caged lion chewing on raw meat.  Seriously huge companies never cease to amaze me. Like the fact that anybody took more than .0001 seconds to worry about this is insane. The fact that somebody actually forwarded this along to their corporate lawyer is insane. That one of the biggest music festivals in the world is worried about 3 idiots sitting on a couch doing a podcast is mind boggling to me. I mean the logo is literally of these 3 buffoons.  It says it’s presented by KFC radio.   It has our logo on it.  It’s spelled “couch” not “coach” because ya know they sit on a freaking couch.  How the fuck would anybody be confused by this?




It honestly makes my brain hurt just thinking about it . So come on AEG send the cease and desist. Do it!