
Alabama CB Tells Coach Saban He Wants To Transfer...His Locker Gets Trashed And He's Banned From The Facility

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ATHENSWhen Maurice Smith informed Alabama of his intention to transfer, his locker was cleaned out, personal belongings thrown in the trash, he was banned from using the athletic facility, and he generally felt “ostracized.”

That’s according to a letter Smith wrote to Alabama’s appeal committee on July 1, which was provided to the Atlanta Journal-Constitution on Wednesday by Smith’s mother, Samyra.

Smith, a senior defensive back who is due to graduate from Alabama on Saturday, wants to transfer to Georgia, but is being denied by Alabama, citing SEC rules.

Hey Maurice Smith…welcome to the Thunderdome.

What did you think was gonna happen? Honestly in your head what did you think? That you’d walk into Nick Saban’s office, past all his championship trophies, past his case of championship rings, past all the framed pictures of Heisman winners and NFL superstars, and just calmly explain to him that you’re just not feelin’ it anymore? That you were thinking maybe you’d go play for Kirby Smart. For an SEC rival. That Saban would just smile and say well go right ahead young man do what’s best for you and your future?


In the letter, Maurice Smith said he met with Alabama head coach Nick Saban and informed him of his decision to transfer on June 16. Saban informed Smith – who had finished spring practice with the first team at nickel back – that he would not allow him to transfer to another SEC school. That ended the conversation.

“On Friday, June 17, I arrived at the athletic facility locker room to find my locker cleaned out and all of my personal belongings in the trash (photo attached) underneath trash,” Maurice Smith wrote. “These personal items included my family photos, written goals, inspirational and sentimental items memorializing my deceased former friend, roommate and teammate, Altee Tenpenny, and items of personal value from my former teammates.”

Smith’s family provided copies of a text message, the sender of which was blacked out, the text of which said: “Bro I can’t have u at facility. Not for workout, lunch, anything. All in or out policy. Sorry bro.”

Another photo was provided of what Smith’s family says are his personal items thrown in the trash. Who threw them in the trash isn’t clear, but they said the message was clear. [Dawg Nation]

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Hey Maurice it’s called loyalty my man. You pick a team, you stick with it. If every coach can stay fully committed to their team for the entirety of their contract and never leave to go anywhere else or look elsewhere, so can you, not too much to ask.