
How About Little Prince George Thinking His Shit Don't Stink And Feeding A Dog Chocolate In This Picture?

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LONDON — A cute picture of a barefoot Prince George feeding his pet spaniel Lupo an ice cream warmed his fans’ hearts on the little royal’s third birthday. But not everyone was happy. Animal welfare organizations have expressed concerns about a treat that may contain both dairy items, which are tough on dogs digestive tracts, and chocolate, which is highly toxic for our canine friends. The RSPCA, the animal welfare charity, warned other children not to follow Prince George’s example: “It is lovely that Prince George is trying to help keep his family dog, Lupo, cool in these high temperatures,” the organization’s statement said. “We would advise people to be cautious when giving their dogs food meant for human consumption as some items, like chocolate, can be highly toxic to dogs and dairy items can be difficult for them to digest.



These fucking royals. They’re something else. They are worthless. I’m sick of having to pretend that they actually matter. They have no power and no point of existing. That’s the thing that really gets me. They wield no power whatsoever. They just get a pass because “Well that’s how we’ve always done it.” They’re just given free reign because they were squirted out of the right ball sack. And now we’ve got this little Prince George asshole feeding chocolate to a dog like the laws of science don’t apply to him. Hey little dipshit, chocolate kills dogs. Just because you were born with a golden spoon up your ass doesn’t mean you can go feeding dogs literal poison. Dogs serve a way bigger purpose in this world than the royal family. Dogs make people happy and bring joy to others. Not the case with the royals. They’re just pampered assholes who think they’re important when they’re not.



You wanna know what real royalty looks like? What real power brokers look like?


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