
G-Unit Member Young Buck Arrested After Threatening To Burn Down His Ex-Girlfriend's Apartment

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TMZ- Young Buck threatened to burn down his ex-girlfriend’s apartment … according to cops in Tennessee. Law enforcement sources tell us YB was picked up after his ex-gf reported the rapper texted her the threat on Wednesday … then showed up at her apartment, kicked down the door, but left without disturbing anything inside.  Cops arrested him on Thursday. He was in custody for a few hours before being released on a $5k bond.  We’re told Young Buck is currently on federal probation, and this arrest could mean he’ll be busted for a violation.



God damn it Buck. Not a good look. Not a good look at all. Even as the biggest G-Unit fan in the world I can’t defend this. You can’t just go around threatening to burn people’s houses down. You know what I never thought about back in 2004 when G-Unit was running the world? I never thought that would change. That’s how naive I was. I just figured that 50, Buck, Banks and Yayo would continue to run the world forever and ever. They were my hip hop group. Everybody has their group. People from my generation grew up loving Roc-A-Fella or Bad Boy or Murder Inc or Cash Money or Wu Tang or Shady Aftermath (lines get blurred on this one) or Red and Meth or whatever. G-Unit was/is mine. But then the inevitable happens. Time passes, beef happens, The Game happens and it all crumbles to dust. Next thing you know 50 is “broke”, Yayo stays sucking on the Curtis Jackson tit, Banks is god knows where and Buck is getting arrested for threatening arson. It didn’t have to be like this. Or maybe it did. Alas.


PS- These are not the eyes of a person living their best life


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