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Margot Robbie Refused To Diet For The Tarzan Movie Cause She Wanted To Drink At The London Pubs

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Yahoo- Hollywood’s leading ladies are often expected to lose weight for their starring roles, but Margot Robbie refused to diet during the filming of ‘The Legend of Tarzan’ for one amazing reason. “It was my first time living in London properly and I wanted to try every pub,” she told Australia’s TV Week. Yes Margot! However, realising that reason probably wouldn’t be good enough for the film’s producers, the 26-year-old hatched a plan. She convinced them that a woman of the 19th century such as her character Jane, would not have been frequenting any gyms. “It’s the 19th century [in the film] – if she’s got a bit of weight on her, it’s probably a good thing,” she said. “I’m not going to look thin just for the sake of it.” It wasn’t just London’s pubs that appealed to the actress, she also recently revealed her love for cheesy Clapham nightclub Infernos – famed for its sticky carpets. Asked if anyone recognises her, Robbie said: “Everyone looks a mess. By the time I make it to Infernos, I look so revolting that nobody’s going to look twice.”



If any other actress or celebrity did this I’d say they’re doing it simply for the PR of being labeled a Cool Girl who says she likes to drink and eat fried foods despite weighing 95 pounds. You know who they are. You more than likely went to high school with girls like that and occasionally see them in your Facebook feed. They’re the same girls who post pictures of themselves in a slutty outfit, a pair of glasses with the caption, “Omg I’m such a nerd.” Margot Robbie doesn’t strike me as that type. At all. Margot strikes me as the type who would drink me under the table with whiskey shots, order the appetizer sampler, call me a pussy when I puke and then we’d have the greatest 8 seconds of sex ever. That’s just the vibe I get from her. So of course she refused to diet so she could drink her face off in London pubs during shooting. Between this story and her role as Harley Quinn in the Suicide Squad movie Margot Robbie is pressing all the right buttons.