
The Eliminator: 1986 Mets

Pick which one of the four you would eliminate

This is a little bit of a niche eliminator, but I think any baseball fan that respects debauchery and/or cocaine can appreciate the 1986 Mets. Obviously there is a 30-year anniversary reunion going on for the team Saturday at Citi Field, which also doubles as a Barstool At The Ballpark, so I figured now was the perfect time to break out this especially tough questions to Mets fans.

Now I was too young to really remember the 86 team in their glory. My first memory of baseball was the Mike Scioscia game, which prepared me for my life as a Mets fan. I obviously loved learning about all these guys through the stories and awesomely 80s music video highlight reels that baseball used to make.

Youuuu belonnnng to the cityyyyy

I can’t eliminate Keith just because everyone says his arrival from St. Louis was the turning point for the Mets, his Seinfeld appearances, and the fact he is my favorite human on Earth. Obviously Gary Carter’s passing makes it tough to eliminate him. To be honest, it felt weird even putting him on the list, but the eliminator wouldn’t have been right without him. The Kid stays because when you have a catcher like Carter, to borrow a phrase from The Challenge, it changed everything.

Which leaves us with Doc and Darryl. A duo so talented that they had Mets fans dreaming of trips to Cooperstown and instead left us with a ring, a bunch of sad headlines, and a 30 For 30. Oh yeah, and this all-time great pic.


I was a Darryl guy growing up, but the more you learned about his personality, the easier he was to dislike. Leaving the Mets for the Dodgers (which he has since admitted was a mistake) kind of puts the capper on it. Doc obviously had a lot of issues too, but I guess I can give him a pass just because he seemed like such a nicer guy. But the fact that both will forever be on with Yankees hats on will haunt my dreams until the day I die.


So vote below. I am actually real interested to see what the old head Mets fan Stoolies that remember the 86 team have to say about this one.

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