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Big Shout Out To Comcast For Continually Charging A Family For Porn They Never Ordered..Even After They Canceled Their Service


SF Gate - Sometimes it seems that Comcast goes out of its way to alienate its customers. When a Tampa Bay couple received a purchase-confirmation email from the company March 30 thanking them for their purchase of pay-per-view adult films, they were understandably concerned. Alyssa and Jason Overstreet, Comcast customers for eight years, don’t rent porn films, which they say their purchase history proves. So Alyssa called to inform Comcast that, hey, we didn’t order the X-rated video and stop charging us.

But Comcast didn’t heed their protests, and over the next few weeks, the Overstreets were billed hundreds of dollars for about 20 adult movies. They even received bills for movies allegedly rented after they canceled their service and returned the cable box. When the local ABC affiliate WFTS in Tampa interceded on the couple’s behalf, it was told, “The box that is sending the authorization signal to order on-demand movies is the box that is assigned to the account.”

Only when it was pointed out to Comcast that the cable box that was used to book porn flicks on April 10-12 had been returned to the company on April 7 did the company change its tune. The billing foul-up was caused by “data stream” error, explained Comcast.


Here’s my question- how many people just auto-pay their bill for Comcast and don’t realize they are being charged for porn that they never ordered? Has to be a shit ton. Who checks their bills these days? It just comes right out of your account, Comcast could be doing this to everyone and barely anyone would know. Nothing would make me more mad than to know I was being charged for porn, because that’s an insult to my intelligence. There is nothing more insulting than insinuating that you pay for your porn. There’s no less than 1 trillion free sites, I’ll be dead before I gave Comcast a wooden nickel to see Backdoor Sluts 9.

Obviously the beauty of this story is Comcast kept charging them even after they peaced out and canceled Comcast. Just kept on sending them bills for Crotch Capers 3 and Naughy Nurses 2 even though they wised up and got rid of Comcast. That’s the Comcast difference. Doesn’t even matter if you have their service or not, they’ll still find a way to bend you over and fleece every last dollar from you. Worst company in the world gonna worst company in the world.

To catch up on other Comcast is the devil incarnate, please see these links:

Leave It To Comcast To Charge a Company $60,000 For Internet They Never Even Set Up

Let’s Check In On Comcast Real Quick

CEO says they won’t raise prices, then raises the prices

Comcast won’t cancel service of guy whose house burned down

Woman talked to 39 technicians about fixing her service, they send her a letter addressed to “Super Bitch”

Woman tried to cancel her service, they sent her a bill to “Asshole Brown”

Comcast told a guy they wouldn’t charge him for their fuck up and then did anyway

Woman pulled a gun on Comcast after they said fixing it would be free and then charged her

Absolute PSYCHO at Comcast who flat out won’t let a person cancel their service (actually forgot about this one, I hope this guy is in the looney bin somewhere)

The time Comcast literally won the “worst company in America award”

My Comcast horror story- how they had faulty wiring, wouldn’t fix it, purposely sold slower internet than advertised, and how their technicians legitimately laughed about how bad their service is