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10-Year-Old Kid Gets $10,000 Reward After Hacking Instagram And Discovering A Bug

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LONDON — Talk about pocket money! A 10-year old boy has just become the youngest person ever to receive a reward from Facebook after he uncovered a bug on its Instagram platform. (And he’s not even old enough to have his own account, according to Instagram’s minimum age policy.) Facebook gave the boy $10,000 after he told the company about a flaw that allowed him to delete other people’s comments. The boy reportedly told Finnish newspaper Iltalehti that he could have even deleted comments from Justin Bieber. Named only as “Jani”, the boy from Helsinki, Finland, plans to spend his money on a bike and a soccer ball, the newspaper reported. Facebook, which bought Instagram in 2012, said the bug was fixed in late February. Jani received his payment in March. Facebook has been running its “bug bounty program” since 2011, rewarding hackers when they report tech and security problems. The program has paid out more than $4.3 million to over 800 people around the world. The size of the reward varies depending on the issue.




MAKE IT RAIN SON! MAKE IT RAIN! Dude. Do you know how much $10,000 is to a 10 year old? He probably feels like Mark Zuckerberg right now. Yeah it’s impressive that this kid hacked Instagram blah blah blah he’s probably some tech phenom blah blah blah. But imagine if you were handed $10,000 when you were 10. Hollllllllly shit. I would have 4 BMX bikes, a refrigerator full of nothing but code red Mountain Dew and every video game console under the sun. $10,000 is literally an unthinkable amount of money at that age. I can remember getting 50 dollars for my birthday when I was 10 and feeling like Jermaine Dupri and Jay Z. Money ain’t a thang. Just spending it like it was nothing. Heading down to Mr. Movies and renting all the movies and buying all the Mike and Ikes. This kid is about to have Minecraft everything. Minecraft clothes. Minecraft bed sheets. A Minecraft bed. The dopest Minecraft birthday party. All Minecraft Everything. Go nuts, kid. You earned it.


How about this? Am I the last to know about this?


Facebook has been running its “bug bounty program” since 2011, rewarding hackers when they report tech and security problems. The program has paid out more than $4.3 million to over 800 people around the world. The size of the reward varies depending on the issue.


That sounds real risky. I can’t even imagine if at Barstool we were like, “Yeah so just go ahead and try to hack our system and we’ll put some sort of reward system in place. Ya know, to find the weaknesses in our site.” Our site would be taken hostage in seconds by hackers and we’d have to have Chernin pay a huge sum of money just for us to get control back.