
50 Cent Makes Viral Video Making Fun Of Airport Employee For Being A High Zombie, Turns Out He Was Just Disabled

Fox News – Rapper 50 Cent didn’t display much common sense when he posted a video of him mocking an airport employee. In the video, 50 Cent – whose real name is Curtis Jackson – turns his camera to a young man as he pushes a cleaning cart through the terminal. The rapper confronts him and accuses him of appearing to be high on drugs. “Look at him. What type of s*** you think he took before he came to work today?” 50 Cent wonders aloud. Instead of responding, the man repeatedly shakes his head and refuses to make eye contact as he pushes his cart away. 50 Cent posted the video to Instagram with the caption, “The walking Dead, SMH LMAO I mean How high are trying to get Damn!!!” He quickly removed it, however, when commenters pointed out that he had made a terrible error in judgment.  “I went to school with him. His name is Andrew Farrell. He has extreme social disabilities just to let you know. He has a hard enough time getting through life without jackasses like you making fun of him. I hope you feel good about yourself. You just lost a huge fan,” an Instagram user named Rusty Stone wrote. Many other users called out the rapper and posted supportive messages to Farrell on hispersonal Instagram page. Farrell commented, thanking those who have sent him kind messages and promising that he plans to take the matter to court. 50 Cent and his representatives have yet to comment on the incident.

I saw this going viral yesterday and didnt want to touch it with a 10 foot pole because it was BLATANTLY obvious that kid had something going on. I mean you gotta have an incredible lack of awareness to see a kid whos a janitor at the airport who wont talk or look at you and make fun of him and post it on the internet. And not even like friendly ball busting. He called him a goddam Walking Dead zombie! I gotta be honest that got a big laugh out of me. Not because its funny to pick on disabled people but because 50 Cent went SO far overboard on a situation he COMPLETELY misjudged. Hey you! Very obviously disabled kid! You look like an undead zombie thats high on drugs! ROFL. LMAO. Gonna go post this on my insta.

Well done, Curtis. Well done.