
Even Bubba Watson's Attempt At Self Awareness Makes My Skin Crawl


via youtube 



Get it? Instead of Bubba Watson being an asshole and ripping into his caddy, it’s his caddy being an asshole and ripping into Bubba Watson. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Listen, I’m all for self awareness. It’s the single greatest trait a person can have. But somehow Bubba managed to screw that up too. I don’t know how but just watch that video. It wasn’t funny. At all. I hate on Bubba a lot but I would be the first to pat him on the back if he did something cool and funny. This ain’t it. The problem might be that self awareness doesn’t work when your thing is being an asshole. For instance, if JJ Watt became self aware (which given his Twitter exchanges with Big Cat, he is) and made a mock work out video making fun of himself, people would love it. Because his schtick is fitness and motivational quotes. That can be mocked. Bubba’s schtick is being a dick to his caddy. That’s just not cool because, at the end of the day, he’s basically saying, “Yeah I’m a dick.” I don’t know. Even I’m a little confused because I didn’t think it was possible to screw up self awareness but Bubba pulled off the impossible.