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Steph And Ayesha Curry Dancing To "Turnip For What" With Michelle Obama Makes Me Want To Crawl Out Of My Skin

NOOOOOOOO!!!! WHY STEPH WHY?!?! You were supposed to be the chosen one and help make the NBA the greatest league on the planet, not become the next lame superduperstar. Instead you are dancing to a parody song with the First Lady. About fucking turnips. Who in their right minds like turnips? Just a straight up trash food. If you want to dance around like an idiot, do it for a great food like corn on the cob. The crown prince of summer foods. Turnips should be fed to farm animals and that’s all. Fuck turnips.

And can you imagine what people would be saying if it was LeBron doing this with a politician? Riots would occur in the streets over a Vine. Twitter would be littered with Jordan Crying faces. And Facebook would go craaaazy about it two weeks later. That’s how terrible this is. I love Steph Curry with all my heart, but you either retire young or play long enough to become the villain. Or just don’t do stupid parody videos with your wife and the goddamn First Lady. Be better Steph. Not for me. Not for your fans. But for her.

And while Ayesha Curry SEEMS like an awesome wife, we can agree that this was all probably her idea, right? Dancing with Michelle Obama about food is the perfect way to get some credibility for her new cooking show. But I guess as long as she keeps doing what she’s doing between the sheets and inspiring Steph to continue being a basketball sorcerer, she can plan out all the corny ass videos she wants.