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These Consent Videos Are Unrealistic

The Consent Project recently put out a series of animated videos to talk about the importance of consent, and I gotta say that they’re very unrealistic. Let me be clear that I don’t think anyone should be raped, regardless of the size of their skinny jeans, but these just aren’t believable. That dick just isn’t hard enough. Any guy who has ever been a bit too drunk will tell you that that dick is a terrible representation of what you need to have sex. Try to put that dick in a vagina and it just going to fold up while you tell her “Just give me a second” and try to take care of yourself, until she decides this was a bad idea and tells all of her friends.

Anyone who has ever grabbed a titty that they weren’t supposed to grab will tell you that you don’t just get a “whoa”. You get a hand right across your face and maybe some pepper spray to boot. Personally I’ve never been the white hand grabbing a black tit without permission (I only go to strip clubs with relaxed touching rules) but I feel like that doesn’t bring us closer to “whoa” and further from a hand across the face.

The only realistic thing in all of these videos is how quickly that butt clenched up. But at the same time this isn’t how this goes down at all. Maybe if the dick was dancing with the vagina from the first video and then tried to dance with the butt this would make sense, but not this way. If someone is shooting for the butt right from the jump, they aren’t coming in whistling all friendly. They’re wearing a ski mask and in a parking garage.

PS: I could have done without them all having teeth. For some reason that the thing that made these the most weird for me.

PPS: Seriously don’t rape people. It’s really not cool.