
Manny Pacquiao Apologizes For Calling Gay People "Worse Than Animals", Also He Apparently Really Doesn't Like Gay People


(Source) The eight-time world boxing champion turned Bible-verse-reciting politician told local broadcaster TV5: “It’s common sense. “Do you see animals mating with the same sex? Animals are better because they can distinguish male from female.

“If men mate with men and women mate with women, they are worse than animals.” Pacquiao’s comments were criticised by the country’s most well-known gay comedian Vice Ganda, who tweeted to his 6.7m Twitter followers: “Some people think they can judge people like God just because they’ve attended a prayer meeting and read the bible.

“The Senate needs experts on politics and law, not blind prophets.” akay Pamaran, a pastor at one of Manila gay churches, told AFP that she pitied Pacquiao. She added: “Outside the boxing ring, I don’t think Manny Pacquiao should be taken seriously.”

The boxer later apologised, saying although he still stands by his beliefs he was sorry for hurting people. Gay marriage is illegal in the Philippines, a country where 80% of the 100m population is Catholic. There are gay marriages at some small churches but they are not recognised by the church or the state.





Manny Pacquiao coming in with an all time hot take. Seriously, saying “do you see animals mating with the same sex? Animals are better because they can distinguish male from female” just about melted my keyboard. Pushing all his chips into the middle with his opinions on this one. I will say this though in Manny’s Defense. He totally thought that this interview was going to stay in the Philippine’s right? It’s like when we get on the Rundown and say random shit and don’t expect anyone to take it and run with it. Or when you go to an ethnic restaurant and the people behind the counter make fun of you for being a loser white person in their native language. Manny absolutely thought giving a little quick gay bashing interview to the local news team would end right there. No chance he understands how the internet works today. I mean he’s sitting here talking about gay people being worse than animals, you think he comprehends the fact that we can watch a telecast from the other side of the world or that news now travels in the blink of an eye? No way. This is the guy who thinks he’s a basketball all star and pop music icon. He stood in the studio while a bunch of people he paid gave him compliments he thought were completely genuine (all time unintentional comedy video).



So in a weird way I think Manny gets a pass here. When you reach a certain point of stupidity I sort of start to feel bad for you and that’s where Manny is. Probably should just keep to playing hoop and rocking Karaoke for a while, maybe stop talking for the next couple of months, just an idea.




Also love the non apology apology. I’m sorry you’re upset I think you’re worse than an animal, gay people. My bad and by my bad I mean my bad for saying it, not for thinking it, that shit is staying in my brain for life.


The boxer later apologised, saying although he still stands by his beliefs he was sorry for hurting people. 





Pacquiao’s comments were criticised by the country’s most well-known gay comedian Vice Ganda, who tweeted to his 6.7m Twitter followers


Now I’m starting to rethink my whole “I’m not gay stance”. Fucking wish I was gay so bad. Told you that shit would equal  twitter followers up the ass and out my eyeballs.