
California Congressman Takes A Huge Hit Of His Vape Mid Hearing, Nominates Himself For Hardo Of The Year




I know vape culture is all the rage right now, I spent a week in San Fran with Portnoy, I get it. But am I the only one that can’t help but think anyone who vapes is just trying to be an extreme tough guy? I don’t care if you like the flavor or are trying to quit smoking (this is actually ok for a little bit but eventually just quit all of it), it is impossible to look cool while vaping, impossible. The quintessential try hard move. Just smoke a real cigarette like a normal person if you have to smoke. Show me a vape guy and I’ll show you someone trying to act cool for the crowd.




Minus this vape, this vape I can deal with. Such an all time bully move. Invited Clay Travis on to the bus to make fun of him for an hour and blow smoke in his face. You just got vaped bro. Bully Culture is alive and well.