
If We’re Being Honest I Have No Idea How Saying A Dude Likes His Asshole Fingered Is A Burn? #FingersInTheBootyAssBitch



So people are saying that Kanye got roasted on Twitter because Amber Rose said he loved having his ass fingered. KFC blogged it. It’s pretty much universal now that Kanye lost the twitter battle because of this fact. I got to be honest. I don’t get it at all. Who the fuck cares that a guy likes to have his asshole fingered or licked or whatever. What guys can’t be guys anymore? Mabye if she was like “Hey Kanye does Kim piss on you like I used to do” that would be a little bit different but ass play? We’re talking ass play in 2016? Who fucking gives a shit? Oh Kayne likes to get fingered. Big fucking deal. I just don’t get how that’s a burn?


And if we’re really trying to demolish people how do you not talk about Kim being a porn star? That seems like day 1 stuff to attack people on. Hey Kanye how’d Ray J’s dick taste. Boom roasted.