
Hot New Craze: Kids Are Drinking Mountain Dew Mixed With Gasoline And Dying

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GREENBRIER, Tenn. (WZTV) – Greenbrier Police believe a teen who died last Thursday may have been drinking racing fuel and Mountain Dew. Greenbrier Police are waiting for a report from the medical examiner to determine the exact cause of death. Just old enough to drive, 16-year-old Logan Stephenson parked in spot 148 at Greenbrier High School. Greenbrier Police Chief KD Smith believes Logan and his friend started drinking racing fuel, a type of gasoline, mixed with Mountain Dew Wednesday. Vanderbilt University Medical Center has now confirmed the second teen who is believed to have ingested a mixture of racing fuel and Mountain Dew has died.



Ohhhhh it’s fucking lit.  It’s always fun to see what the new craze amongst kids is.  I remember a few of mine.  We used to light matches, stick the lit end into our mouths and then blow out the smoke so it looked like we were smoking. Or we’d take literal pieces of green grass, roll them up into a piece of printer paper and smoke it like a joint because the older kids told us that was how you get high. Or there was the one kid who could make himself pass out and we all thought it was awesome. Until one time he did it, had a seizure and we had to rush him to the hospital. Before that though, awesome. We were fucking badass back in the day. Well now it appears kids of this current generation have stepped it up just a few notches.  Ya know, just mixing Mountain Dew with gasoline, drinking it and dying. It happens. Not the every kid is gonna make it. Weird idea though. Take the last pop in the world that needs anything added to it and pour a little racing fuel in it, what did they think was gonna happen? They probably thought it would just turn into Surge. Nope. Wrong.  Very wrong. Kids do the darndest things.