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Mr. Cherin is requiring us to get “With It”, even though I don’t understand what “It” is. So you can follow me on Snapchat – Smitty1581.

It’s an established fact you can’t trust anyone who doesn’t have a drink in their hands by noon during a blizzard. And here we have some adventures in one of the best day drinking atmospheres on the planet. While Pres nestles up to his 1% fireplace and Nate takes his RBV/Golden Showers to the face in DC , Philly is fantasy land when it snows. Anything goes. And we dipped our balls in a little bit of everything. Also, anyone who gives me shit for still wearing my varsity HS baseball jacket can go sit on a fist. A) It’s still easily the most comfortable warm thing I own and 2) Glory days, baby. Glory days. I’ll rock my Great Valley baseball jacket and awkwardly maroon college football travel pants till the day I die.

White fire in the hole fun, snowball fights, and sledding down the Art Museum Steps on a Delco sled (trashcan lid) ahoy. Oh, and this random Russian. Rocky IV allowed this to happen.

PS – No, my lady friend was not thrilled about that snowball to the kisser. But I’m like Tommy in Goodfellas after he killed Spider. It was a good shot, what do you want from me? Good shot. I’ll dig the fucking hole I don’t give a fuck.