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So The Suicide Squad Trailer (And Margot Robbie As Harley Quinn) Looks Fucking Awesome


Whoa, that was fun.  Now I have never been a huge DC Comics guy.  Growing up I was into the X-Men for a bit and maybe a few random Marvel guys here and there.  And when it comes to the movies, I think Marvel has clearly dominated the genre.  I mean The Dark Knight is my favorite movie based on a superhero, but other than that, like 8 of the next 9 in my Top 10 are Marvel movies. To be fair, I never really got into any of the old Supermans, which sound like they are legit really good actual movies.  So I went into this trailer with limited expectations, but damn this movie looks good.

Now again, I am operating at a pretty big disadvantage when it comes to knowledge of these characters.  Obviously I know The Joker and all the hype behind Jared Leto playing the role.  The man has some big shoes to fill with Nicholson and Ledger previously acting as that sick, twisted fuck.  I also know Harley Quinn and have the weirdest boner after seeing Margot Robbie bending over while done up in psycho clown makeup.

And of course I love seeing Will Smith, while the other characters look bad ass, even if they are all wild cards in my mind.  I do think DC will probably fuck up Batman vs. Superman, but I feel like Suicide Squad has a chance to be real good.  We’ll see.  At least we know they didn’t screw up the trailer, which is always a big step for movies like this.

Also, Bohemian Rhapsody will always remind me of the classic Wayne’s World scene.