
Somebody Re-Made The Temple Of Time From Zelda In Amazing Graphics So Whip Out Your Nostalgia Boner

Yahoo- Recreating old games in Unreal Engine 4 has become a trend lately, and that trend continues with a recreation of the Temple of Time, one of the most iconic locations from Nintendo’s The Legend of Zelda. YouTube user CryZENx has recreated the locale from the Nintendo 64 game The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time and released it online so that players can explore it for themselves. You won’t be able to do much other than navigate Young Link around the temple – complete with all three Spirtual Stones and the Master Sword still in its stone – but its still a sight to see.



Nothing gets me more nostalgic than Ocarina of Time. Nothing takes me back quite like hearing Epona’s Song and envionsing myself trotting through Hyrule Field without a care in the world (until it got dark out and those skeleton dudes started popping up everywhere). It’s a magical game. It’s the best game ever made and anybody who says differently is wrong. It’s an accepted fact that nothing can touch Ocarina of Time in terms of game play and memories.  Even the intro music makes me borderline wanna cry tears of joy and sadness.


Just listen to this




Take me back! If you weren’t just transported back to the late 90s/early 2000s then your childhood stunk. STUNK.  I thank god every day that I grew up right in the sweet spot where Ocarina Of Time came out and I could play it for hours and hours and hours with zero responsibility. That includes the Water Temple despite hating every minute of it because it’s the hardest level in any game ever made. Water levels up or water levels down?  I’m fucking 9 years old. Give me a clue. Anyway, back to the guy who re-made the Temple of Time with insane graphics, I love it.  I was concerned I wasn’t going to like it since I have such fond memories of playing the game with N64 graphics. Well the opposite happened.  That was amazing. The triforce looked great. The Master Sword could still fuck people up.  The spiritual stones were glistening like diamonds. My girl Navi never looked better.  Shout out to a person who has actual talent and made this. Now if you’ll excuse me I’m gonna go listen to Saria’s Song until my ears bleed.