
The Patriots May Beat The Broncos By 50


Lots of people were asking during the game who I’d rather play. Broncos or the Steelers. Honestly I didn’t really care. They both stink. We would have beaten either team by double digits. But I think the Steelers had a better chance to pull a fluke victory. The Broncos have NO chance. I mean I honestly think there is a legit chance we murder Peyton in broad daylight. He is just so old now. So bad. It’s actually sort of sad what he’s turned into but at the same time kinda fitting Peytons last moments on a football field will be bowing before the king. Paying tribute to Tom Brady and Bill Belichick one last time. And if Peyton dies he dies.

PS – I’m curious whether the media is still going to pretend rady and Manning are peers during all the build up? Or will even the biggest Manning supporters finally be forced to admit there is no comparison.