
The Eliminator: 90s Smokeshows

Okay, so as always the rules are you have to eliminate one of those options WHILE IN THEIR PRIME.  Here is my personal breakdown (you can vote at the bottom of the page).

Tiffani Amber Thiessen

TAT AKA Kelly Kapowsky is the GOAT.  There will be no eliminating her today.  Or ever.  Moving along.

Sarah Michelle Gellar


So I think we can all agree that Buffy is hot as hell.  I mean if Sarah Michelle Gellar ever appeared at any of our doors in the 90s, we would have thanked God before having to change our underwear.  At first blush, she is my pick to eliminate.  However there is a curveball here.  This SMG scene from Cruel Intentions just drips sex. Maybe the second best actual movie scene from the 90s behind the Wild Things threesome.  Can you really eliminate a girl after watching this clip?

Pamela Anderson


If this question was in reference to the shape the girls are in today, Pam would be the clear pick to be eliminated.  The whole “has Hep C” thing scares even my thirsty ass away.  But 90s Pam?  She is probably my number 2 on this list behind Kapowsky.  The epitome of the blonde bombshell.  The Pamela Anderson-Tommy Lee sex tape may have been the biggest moment of the 90s.  Bigger than the O.J. Simpson trial, bigger than the Internet’s explosion, even bigger than Ready To Die dropping.

Jennifer Aniston


And then we have the ageless Jennifer Aniston in her prime.  And that is not to say she has dropped a bunch from her prime, because again, she is ageless.  But if you are ever stuck watching Friends at your girl’s house, you know there was a 95% chance you were getting some Rachel Green screen time with her headlights on.  So I don’t think I can eliminate Aniston.

I guess that means my pick is Sarah Michelle Gellar.  But different strokes for different folks.  So vote below or forever hold your peace:

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