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This Guy Made a Computer Animated Day In The Life At Roller Coaster Tycoon And It's Fucking Sweet

YES. What a video. Guests throwing up after rides,

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half-building roller coasters so the guests fly off and die,

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and of course picking guests up with the claw and having them go for a swim. All in all just your normal day at Leafy Lake.

For my money Roller Coaster Tycoon is the best computer game ever. Yea I know that might be ridiculous to some people because of how advanced games have becomes, but I don’t have time for all that shit. I need simple, fun, and entertaining. Games now are like fucking work to figure out how to play, ain’t nobody got time for all that. Back in the day I could sit there for hours on end, building go-kart tracks, ridiculous roller coasters, and price gauging all my guests on umbrellas the second it started to rain. Those assholes didn’t know what was coming, way to not check the weather report before going to the fucking amusement park that day, idiots, now enjoy your 20 dollar umbrella while you wait in line for the log flume for 3 hours.

And of course, my favorite part of the game: