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TMZ Says Charlie Sheen Is About To Announce Hes Got AIDS


TMZ - Charlie Sheen will reveal to the world that he’s HIV positive. Sources connected to NBC’s “Today” tell TMZ … Sheen will sit down with Matt Lauer on Tuesday morning to make the announcement. NBC touted the interview in a press release as Sheen making a “revealing personal announcement.” A tabloid report came out Monday claiming Sheen’s been keeping the diagnosis secret for years. You’ve gotta imagine he’ll address that report tomorrow morning on “Today.”

Well listen – if Charlie Sheen couldnt get AIDS, then nobody could get AIDS. That guys has had more sex and done more drugs than maybe anyone on the planet. Thats really not an exaggeration. His exposure to pussy and needles is probably higher than anyone alive. So really this is only fair. Chuck knew the risks he was taking in his life and it finally caught up to him. Its really a pretty sad testament for how far AIDS has fallen. The fact that Charlie Sheen getting AIDS is a big announcement means your disease has fallen off DRASTICALLY. Charlie Sheen HIV positive should have been a given and here it is, headline news. Sad day for AIDS. Probably an even sadder day for Charlie Sheen.