
This Graphic Comparing The Recruits On Each Of The Top-5 CFB Playoff Teams Makes Me So Happy

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As far as graphics go, that’s as good as it gets. Some people will say, “LOL. See? Iowa doesn’t have the horses to compete with those other teams. They don’t belong. GTFOutta here.” Nah, it’s the opposite. That graphic might as well be a picture of Kirk Ferentz with a thought bubble that reads, “Tell me how my ass taste.”  Ferentz should get that graphic tatted on his chest and from here on out always walk around without a shirt on. Anybody who follows Iowa football knows we don’t get the big time recruits. We don’t have the historic program and nobody in their right mind wants to voluntarily kick it in Iowa City during the winter time. It’s just not a destination spot for recruits and it never has been. Instead we get all of the farm kids and 3-star skill players who Ferentz and his staff then mold into D-1 college football players (and a good number of NFL players). Kirk has a proven track record of getting the most out of what he has and 2015 is the apex of that. But I don’t think I ever realized just how big the gap was. It’s staggering when you put those numbers up next to each other. Talk about being the underdogs. Bama has over 7x as many 4 and 5-star recruits as the Hawks. We deserve a spot in the CFB Playoff on that graphic alone.


You wanna know why everyone (including people from this great state) are shocked that the Iowa Hakweyes are undefeated after 10 games? That graphic is yet another reason. On paper, we shouldn’t be there.  On the field, we absolutely should be. Hard hat and lunch pail.