My New Year's Resolution Is To Swim 100 Laps And I Am Almost 10% Of The Way There
There is a big hubbub for some reason about my New Year's Resolution. Shoutout to me for even making one and trying to stick to it. Now one of the things I do is I hold my breath the entire time I'm underwater. So i'm only doing about two laps per session. And I don't do sessions that much. I take my kids to go swimming once a week and will do almost a full lap in the beginning and at the end of our time in the pool.
The group has been wanting to see this in action for a few weeks, but the pool I go to is a half kids/half adult pool so I haven't wanted to video as I don't want any people that don't want to be in a video out. But Big Cat and I were in Indy this week for The Combine and went to a hotel pool to get some laps in. Here's what we got:
The pool was small. About 25 feet from one end to another. I certainly have to work on my turns as my local pool is at least 50 feet long so I usually just swim from one end to another, take a break and complete (or come close to completing) the lap. So I had never really had to turn around before. But it threw me for a loop and I wasn't able to complete a full linear lap in this smaller pool. But hey, it's only February! I got in 4.5 laps this week and now we're 9.75 laps in for the year and getting close to pace after a few missed sessions with travel for work, frigid temperatures, and kids being sick.
Onward and upward! And check out the full Yak here: