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A Man Can Dream: Dan Hurley Wants To Walk Into The UConn Locker Room And Break Up A Fight Between 'Two Players That Are Pissed Off'

This isn't just a Dan Hurley thing, but it's a perfect Dan Hurley quote. You hear coaches across the country talk about players holding themselves accountable and player-led team. Okay, maybe that's just me listening to Calipari for 15 years say that term over and over again. But Hurley is far from the only coach who wants a little scrap between players. It shows they care, shows they want to win and get pissed off if other guys aren't doing their job. He also talks about how it seems like some players are checked out

This is where two guys need to step up. I don't know who, Alex Karaban is supposed to be the leader of this team. He needs to pick a fight. If your coach is publicly saying that he wants to break up a fight, you gotta push someone. It can all be an act, but maybe it's the spark that UConn needs. Maybe it's how you don't lose to a terrible Seton Hall team. You gotta fight a teammate. Only way out now. 

I know people like to shit on Hurley because he's loud, can be obnoxious, says what's on his mind and gets called a crybaby. But the man coach his ass off. You don't fall ass backwards into back-to-back titles. You don't build UConn back up from where they were when he took over if you can't coach. I also love Hurley. I think he's awesome for college basketball. The sport needs characters like him and he delivers on a weekly basis. 

They got Nova tonight in Connecticut. It's not the same Nova team where Dan Hurley delivered his 'better get us now' line, but it's still Nova. There better be a fight at halftime no matter the score. Let Dan Hurley break it up and smile. Bring some joy back to him after the Seton Hall loss.