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Jake Paul Said Live on Stream That Mike Tyson Had Parkinson's Leading Up to Their Fight, "Toad Cured Tyson's Parkinson's So He Could Come Back and Fight" - Now Claims He Misspoke, Was Referring to Mike Tyson's "Pain"

God the internet is so fucking stupid. I mean seriously? You really think Mike Tyson had Parkinson's just because Jake Paul blatantly stated that Mike Tyson had Parkinson's? Clearly he meant Parkinson's in the colloquial sense. You know how when your body starts to age, things don't quite work the way they used to, you start passing out and having medical emergencies on planes. That's just you having "a bit of Parkinson's". But you don't actually have Parkinson's disease. It's like when your balls are sore the next morning after a long night of consensual sex, you might say to your friend, "That girl I went home with last night gave me AIDS" It doesn't mean you're literally pozzed up. It's merely a figure of speech. 

I think that's what Jake Paul wants people to think? Is that really possible? To accidentally slap a Parkinson's label on somebody when you're just referring to their general pain? Idk man. That's such a bizarre thing to accidentally say about someone unless there was a reason for it. Parkinson's is so specific. It's not a word people just throw around. 

But I do know that if Mike Tyson found out he had Parkinson's leading up to the fight, a little Parkinson's wasn't going to stop him from cashing $20M to dance around a boxing ring for an hour. So if that were the case, I'm assuming they were probably planning to keep Tyson's Parkinson's under wraps for another few months before revealing it to the world. Then play it off like the diagnosis came sometime after the Jake Paul fight. But ff that were their plan... well now Mike Tyson has to take his Parkinson's to the grave. They can't let it get out that Jake Paul beat up a 58-year old Parkinson's patient. Even if they can keep it under wraps for the next year, if at any point it's revealed that Mike Tyson has Parkinson's, everybody is going to think he was diagnosed before the fight, and Jake Paul accidentally told the world. That Jake Paul and Netflix knew all along they were trotting out a Parkinson's patient to be repeatedly punched in the head on a grainy buffering stream. Which honestly... if Parkinson's Mike Tyson was still down to fight... I mean it's a free country. Who are any of us to tell Parkinson's Mike Tyson he's not allowed to box. Mike Tyson is an adult. He can make decisions for himself. Who's going to tell Mike Tyson no?. I'd imagine if you asked most Parkinson's patients, they would happily go 10 rounds with a formidable opponent for a $20M pay day. If Mike Tyson really did have Parkinson's all along, I don't think it would be that heinous of a thing to learn.

Most importantly though... people are smoking toads now. I did not know this. I guess I've always heard about people licking toads. But clearly I haven't kept up on my Joe Rogan Experience enough to realize how big the toad venom smoking community was.  

Addiction Center - Smoking toad venom has recently become a way for people to partake in a so-called “religious experience” where the psychedelic toxins from the Colorado River toad cause the user to trip and hallucinate. Some say it can cure depression, but other research shows it can be addictive and dangerous.

Apparently it was the best experience of Tony Robbins' life

How about that? Toad venom cures Parkinson's and make you not afraid of death. The experience of a lifetime. I'm trying to live the whole sober lifestyle now, but as a man who's well-versed in the drug community, I feel like at some point in my life I have to try one of these rich people psychedelic drug retreats. I hear so much about them. Everybody comes out of them saying that they're a changed person. Who knows how much of that is legitimate, and how much is just pretentious celebrity bullshit. But I'm still wildly curious about it. I smoked DMT with a homeless kid named Mike in South Central LA Hostel once. But that's not the same. I need to do it under the care of someone like this.


LUIS ACOSTA. Getty Images.

That's a man who knows the way. I'd trust that man with my life.

Anyways… Jake Paul insists Mike Tyson does not have Parkinson's. It was just a super strange slip of the tongue. I guess I'll believe you Jake Paul. For the sake of Mike Tyson's health, I hope he doesn't. But regardless, I don't think Jake Paul fighting Parkinson's Mike Tyson would make him a bad person. And if you're someone who really does want to call Jake Paul a bad person (which I am not) I'm sure there are other angles you could take on that one.