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We've Got More Videos Of The American Woman Stuck In Pakistan Talking To The Media And They Are Legitimately Laugh Out Loud Funny

Shout out to Jack Mac for blogging this a few days ago. Since then it's gone mega viral and rightfully so - the entire story is like something straight out of Chappelle's Show. Basically this woman got ghosted by her 19-year-old boyfriend and now she's holding the entire country of Pakistan hostage. Her name is Onijah Robinson and she's the most New York bitch of all time. The attitude, the accent, the lack of fear. Her demands are simple...$100,000 cash (to start), free land, a house, and a Pakistani passport.

The original video... 

Fucking incredible. Call me crazy but I don't think any of those bros have been spoken to like that by a woman before. (It's regional.) They don't know how to react. It's like when a group of lions are tricked by their prey. The best part is now she's basically a Pakistani celebrity and the videos of her holding court are amazing.

She's in MacDonalds...

Dishing out demands…

Chillin with the dogs out…

The woman is getting more attention that Justin Bieber…


Her plan? To "shield this place down" by "building swimming pools for everyone"…

Everything about this story is so preposterous it seems fake…but it's not. Onijah is a real human representing the real people of New York City. What a woman. Fingers crossed she gets outta there before things ugly. Something tells me those Pakistani bros patience is going to run out.