
Mike Woodson Saying Indiana 'Came Out With Good Intentions' While Being Down 26-6 Is The Saddest Quote A Coach Has Ever Had

This is the funniest quote I've seen in a long time from a coach. Why? Simple: 

You were down 20 and had 6 points nearly 10 minutes into the game! Sure, he said they were awful. Fair assessment there. But you can't say you came out with good intentions when this is happening. We're witnessing a hilarious run by Woodson and Indiana right now. Every time he speaks Indiana fans just get more and more pissed. They already booed him out of the building earlier this season and we're about to get Dusty May coming to Assembly. 

I like to make fun of Indiana, but man, it's sad times there

You simply can't keep this guy around. It's also Quinn Buckner's fault for this, but it's a failure. That said, saying you came out with great intentions but were awful is fucking hilarious. What coach says that? You can't say anything positive when you were down 26-6 in a game that you needed. Actually, you know what? Let Mike Woodson keep talking. It's only going to keep getting funnier.