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Several Reports Say Whistleblowers are About to Reveal a Secret Government UFO Crash Retrieval Program

This documentary is by James Fox, who also did one of the best UFO documentaries ever called Moment of Contact, about the 1996 incident in which an alleged alien encounter was witnessed by dozens of residents of Varginha (get your mind out of the gutter), Brazil, including police officers. Commonly referred to "Brazil's Roswell,"  the whole investigation reportedly died the moment a US Air Force plane landed, American military officials took over, and were never heard from again. 

This particular film seems to have every bit as much credibility. Particularly because it features Leslie Kean, the investigative journalist who wrote NY Times bestseller UFOs: Generals, Pilots and Government Officials Go on the Record. Which includes a forward by John Podesta, who's served in the White House under no less than three Presidents. 

Anyway, this film is not the only credible piece of reporting out there at the moment claiming that the US government has been conducting retrieval operations of downed UFOs. Or that these retrieval teams have recovered the bodies of non-human operators of these craft. Or, that whistleblowers are coming forward to ... well, blow the whistle on all of it. 

Just this week, we've had journalist Roos Coulthart, who taped an interview with USAF helicopter pilot Jacob Barber who says he has personally conducted such operations (skip to the 1:45 mark):

“People at the highest levels of the intelligence community are telling me it’s time that America knew this secret.” 

“I’ve been talking now for 2+ years to people who work inside this program, and they’re really frustrated. They want America to know about this, because they’re very excited about these discoveries.” 

Coulthart shared a segment of his interview with whistleblower and Air Force veteran Jacob Barber: “How long have you known this secret about UAP being of non-human origin?” 

Barber: “For more than 10 years. We did recover things that were exotic in nature.” 

Coulthart: “We are not alone.” 

Barber: “We are not alone.” 

Coulthart remarked that Barber is a highly credible, elite military serviceman: “The man is a former tier 1, elite military serviceman. He’s worked at the highest levels of the US military.” 

“In order to prove that, we spoke to colleagues of his … and they are telling us this man is an absolute straight arrow, he’s decorated, he’s well-recognized, well-respected.” 

“More importantly, they … corroborate this man’s story that he was involved in retrievals.” 

“For many, many years, he was working for a three-letter intelligence agency in the US involved in the retrieval of alien spacecraft.”

Next there's Jeremy Corbell, who has been one of the leading researchers, reporters, and experts in this field for years. And who has been front and center of practically all of the congressional hearings conducted over the past few years.:

"There are witnesses that have testified to AARO (the Pentagon's All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office) that are of a high level. I am personally aware of a location and information that have been given directly to AARO. There was a massive reprisal wave that came. I know for sure, that (AARO director) Dr. Sean Kirkpatrick is highly aware of some of this technology and where it is. Because I know the people who told him about it. … [The source] has signed an NDA. And the regulatory agencies are up his ass about it."

Corbell is also claiming that very soon we'll all be getting a false flag report from the same government that's been covering this program up all these years:


“UFOs are real and they've been here a long time and that's the truth. But the lie is coming all indications, like all of them, is that that lie is going to be, that there is a craft slowly making its way to us here on earth. And that is the lie.”

And finally, this comprehensive thread on the subject featuring Dr. Steven Greer, founder of the Center for the Study of Extraterrestrial Intelligence (CSETI) and the Disclosure Project, which I'll pick and choose from:


He's talking about extraterrestrials who are coming here in peace. Huge revelations in the next few days. Eight decades of reverse engineering these objects to advance our own technologies. Including gravity control and exotic energy weapons. And like all the others, secret government operations to keep all of this from the public. And perhaps most pertinent of all, people who know all this stuff about to come out of the dark, go on the record, and tell us everything that's been kept from us all these years. Or most of it. Some of it, at least. 

Look, I'm like you and anybody else with an even passing interest in this subject. We've all been disappointed before. The ufologists and government officials keep promising us an elephant of information while producing a mouse. And it's possible - likely even - that this will be just the latest Big Reveal that lands with a massive thud. I'm under no illusion.

But this is an awful lot of smoke for their to be nothing coming of it. Even by the standards of the over-promises and under-deliverances we've all become accustomed to. Nevertheless, I'll be staying tuned to this over the next few days. I mean, all these experts can't be exaggerating their claims or straight up lying to us at the same time, right? 

Right? Sigh. We wait and see, once again. And hope against hope the truth is, in fact, out there.