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'It Gets The People Going' - All Josh Allen Wants To Do This Week Is Win And Have Mr. Brightside Blasting Through The Stadium In The 4th Quarter

Spot the moment where the man is wrong. He's not. Sure, I'm a man in my late 30s, who lives in the suburbs and talks about my golf game way more than anything else, so of course Mr. Brightside still gets me going a bit. It brings me back to a time where life was simple. I wasn't in charge of keeping multiple other people alive. I wasn't in charge of money or things of that nature. Simply get about $16 together on a Thursday to go to Two Keys for $10 all you can drink. So, yeah, Mr. Brightside has a soft spot in anyone's heart like mine. The Bills have adopted this as one of their songs: 

I still think of Shout first, because, come on, it's Shout. 

(Sidenote: in a list of absurdities Clem and myself both missing Shout at our own weddings is ridiculous. Still pissed at my photographer for needing 1 more picture of me, she didn't.)

I love the Bills adopting Mr. Brightside though. We need more songs with teams. Not to mention this is the game to really blast it. Think it's safe to say that Bills/Ravens is the game everyone is most excited for this weekend (outside of your own team, obviously). It's the two MVP favorites. Majority of people want to see a Bills/Lions Super Bowl and this is the first real challenge for the Bills. 

PS: Still the best Mr. Brightside video. Send me out this way when I die.