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Mike Woodson Should Have Been Fired At Halftime And Shot Into The Sun

Assembly Hall was rockin' last night for all the wrong reasons. Mike Woodson had the Hoosiers ready to go out and defend home court by immediately digging themselves into a 30 point first half hole. Exactly how you bounce back after an embarrassing 30 point blowout on the road to Iowa. With "Fire Woodson" chants raining down long before the team went to the locker room, Woody knew halftime was finally the right time to start coaching, and getting his guys ready to go out and play. So, coming out of the half Indiana played with about 8 minutes of energy before the wheels fell off, and the team went back to their lazy, dog shit tendencies. The same script we saw against Gonzaga after the team faced justified criticism early in the season during the Battle for Atlantis. But, even after a pathetic display of giving up 60 points in the 1st half and back to back 30 point losses, our fearless leader was ready to own up for his mistakes. 

Or, Woodson took no accountability and hid from everyone. I guess it's better than him throwing out his bullshit, "I need to have this team ready to go" answer for the 5th time this season and never actually getting the team ready to go. The on court product is trash, and by all accounts Woodson behind the scenes is an entitled egotistical scumbag that doesn't put the time into the program while thinking people should bend the knee to him because he played for Bob Knight 100 years ago. 

I hate being this negative, but it's warranted. I was supportive of Woodson for coming into Indiana and keeping a player like TJD around, all while taking IU back to the NCAA tournament. I thought maybe Woody is the guy this program needed. Turns out, Woodson should be calling TJD up every single night and thanking him for having the talent to cover up Woodson's poor couching. I can't be supportive anymore. 


I have zero problem with the "Fire Woodson" chants, but I am a little torn on the booing the players. A few years ago booing college athletes would have been a scumbag move, but now these guys are getting paid MILLIONS of dollars to go out and suck. Is it their fault they suck? No, it starts at the top with Woodson, this team takes after him, so they are simply doing what they've been conditioned to do in this program. On the other hand, I'm fine with the booing. The crowd doesn't hate these guys, it's just the only way they can show their displeased other than simply not going to games. Just as the team got booed going into the locker room, the crowd couldn't have been more supportive when the team came out of the locker room showing energy. Down 20 you'd have thought it was a tie game and the Hoosiers were right back in it the way the crowd was cheering. Indiana fans just want to see good basketball. 

Woodson should have been fired after the embarrassing loss to Louisville, and probably not let into the locker room and fired at half last night. This season is still salvageable. There's plenty of talent on the roster thanks to blank NIL checks, this team just needs someone who is going to keep his team in check, and that guy is not Mike Woodson.