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'We Have To Get Way More Tough. Maybe Nasty' - Kentucky Embarrassed Itself At Georgia, Calls Themselves Out For Being Soft As Hell

Look, things have been going great for Kentucky. I still like this team. But we have a problem here. Not only are we playing in the SEC, we aren't known for physicality. At least we have step 1, acknowledgement: 

Step 2: actually do it on a consistent basis. All 3 losses have been the same script. Bad shooting, teams beating us up, lose. That's what happened tonight. Sure, the refs were atrocious. Sure, the refs were a joke. That's not why Kentucky lost. It's just a fact the biggest problem in the sport is officiating. Again, Kentucky lost because we were soft as shit and that might be saying it too nicely. Not to mention no one showed up besides Lamont Butler. 

Look, this is a new era. This is what's going to happen with this team. The SEC is fucking loaded. Road wins are going to be damn near impossible to come by. I like this team. There's a reason they have wins over Gonzaga, Duke and Florida so far. Pretty good wins! No one is undefeated in the sport, losses happen. But what can't happen is constantly being beat because you're soft. If this is the loss that changes that fine, better now than later. 

So there you have it. Kentucky lost tonight and realized they are too soft. Time to get nasty. They have the guys to do it. Maybe move Robinson to the 6th man role and let Brea to start? All I know is the SEC is a war, time to get toughen up.