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Two Of The Kids From 'School Of Rock' Got Married This Weekend

What a love story we've got here - Caitlin Hale and Angelo Massagli (aka Marta and Frankie) from 'School of Rock' got married this past weekend, over twenty years after the film's release! Judging by the photo above, as well, Angelo has grown up to become the most Angelo looking Angelo in the history of Angelos! Making his old man Bobby Bacala proud! You cross Angelo and you might find yourself in the Meadowlands with Jimmy Hoffa! Just kidding, of course. Haha. Please don't hurt me Angelo.

Rivkah Reyes who played Katie (the bassist, "CHELLO!") posted a video of the wedding on TikTok, where you can see a few other castmates in attendance, unfortunately missing Jack Black/Ned Schneebly....

Apparently Caitlin and Angelo always stayed in touch through the 'School of Rock' group chat but reconnected more closely in recent years - and both of them are out of the acting business now. Entertainment Weekly says, "Hale works as an OB-GYN ultrasound technologist and Massagli graduated from the University of Miami School of Law in 2019." so they're probably pretty well adjusted people!

I don't have much else to add on the wedding, but in a year that has kicked off full of shitty news - I wanted to mix in a wholesome story or two. Congrats to Mr and Mrs Bacala.

Oh, and quick tangent about the movie itself: 'School of Rock' was one of my favorite movies as a kid. I loved classic rock n' roll, hated school, knew Jack Black was hysterical, and thought the scene where the kids all sing the lyric "Kick some ass!" in front of their parents was the height of rebellion. It was perfect. I remember leaving the theater with my older brother and telling him I wanted to get that movie on DVD "the very first day it came out!" and to his credit, he took me to Best Buy to get it the very first day it came out. I watched it countless times, until I could quote every line, and still to this day - I find it hilarious, heartwarming, and so well made as a movie. I'll watch it every time it's on television, and stick around til the very end. I think I actually like it more every time I watch it.

Yeah, it's a silly kids movie with a pretty ridiculous premise - but so are 'Home Alone' and 'The Goonies'! It may sound silly to compare 'School of Rock' to those classics if you're reading this as an older Stoolie, but I swear, for my generation - I don't think it's uncommon to have as much love for 'School of Rock' as I do. I really think it's a modern day classic from Richard Linklater.

P.S. If Angelo was born about twenty years later he honestly might be one of the Costco guys.