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Watch As A Group Of Small Child Eagles Fans Turns This Grown Adult Giants Fan Into A Crying Puddle Of Mush

Now I know when it comes to this particular brand of woman, it usually doesn't take much to set them off. But even still, I can't imagine how much tormenting you need to take from a group of 8-year-olds before this is the state you find yourself in. 

Practically crying in the middle of Pattison Avenue while getting into a verbal back-and-forth with a bunch of kids who don't even know their multiplication tables yet. And not only are you getting into it with a bunch of kids who still have to sit in the back seat on the way down to the game, but these young fellas are absolutely cooking the shit out of you. 

The only thing this poor broad has is to attack their height. As if that doesn't make her look even worse in this situation. But the boys are staying on target. They know the Giants suck. They know the long and storied history of how much the Giants have sucked for pretty much the entirety of their lives. Just when you think they're done dropping bombs, they come back reloaded with some more. 

I couldn't be more optimistic about the future of this fanbase. If these are our younglings, then we are set up for great success for generations to come. One of the most important aspects of any culture are traditions. It's about keeping traditions by honoring them and passing them down. Clearly the tradition of making Giants fans feel like they're going through 4 hours of hell every time they come to the South Philadelphia Sports Complex has been passed down to these fine young gents. And that's what great parenting is all about. 

Go Birds. 

