RIP Greg Gumbel - The Man Who Helped Make Selection Sunday The Event That It Is Today
For anyone who knows CBS or watched one Selection Sunday, you know Greg Gumbel.
The man was the face of Selection Sunday. Every year we had random talking heads, different guys on the committee, but the one constant was always Greg Gumbel. He was the one who told us the bracket, the one who showed us what March would look like and give teams hope. He was a staple of my life for well over 30-years as he was on the CBS group. I know he was on the NFL show and everything else, but he was the face of Selection Sunday for me. There was something about his voice that just let you know it was time. It was time for everyone to watch the sport I love the most, the event I love the most. That's what I'll always remember Greg Gumbel by. I know there was more of the NBA guys lately. Ernie Johnson took over last year when Greg missed due to family health problems. But, nothing, and I mean nothing will take away the years of sitting in front of my parents old school TV waiting to see what the bracket looked like.
He was obviously more than just Selection Sunday as this video shows:
But this is about the man who helped make Selection Sunday. The sound of the CBS theme song. The voice of Greg. You knew the best week of the year was here. You knew you made it to the Spring and were about to lock in and hope for the best game of the day on CBS (this is for us olds, pre-every game on TV and if you weren't lucky enough to have the DirecTV package that gave you ever game).
RIP Greg.