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Round Earth Enthusiasts Spend $35,000 To Send Flat Earther to Antarctica To See The 24-Hour Sun, Flat Earther Admits Defeat

Credit to ex-flat earther Jeran Campanella. In a world where so many people have such infuriatingly stupid steadfast beliefs that they will violently shove down your throat and ridicule you for not agreeing with, despite mountains evidence that proves them wrong. Where people will metaphorically go to the ends of the earth and do mental gymnastics so fantastical it makes Simone Biles' floor routine look like a Mintzy footwork drill to keep from admitting there's even the slightest chance they're wrong about Sasquatch being responsible for 9/11. 

It's nice to see someone like Jeran Campanella non-metaphorically go to the ends of the earth to put his favorite conspiracy theory to the test. He didn't have to do that. He could have continued making a living on the backs of people who for some reason find comfort in believing that everything is a lie. And that for some reason the governments of the world, despite constantly being at each other's throats, have been able to come together and go to monumental lengths to prevent us from knowing the earth's true shape. That would have been the easy thing to do. But Jeran knew his conspiracy theory was testable, and when he was offered a paid trip Antarctica to witness the 24-hour sun for himself, something he firmly believed wasn't real, he had the balls to put The Final Experiment's money where his mouth is. And he saw with his own eyes that he was wrong as shit. And he admitted it. That's something you almost never see. Good for Jeran.

That's one way to look at it. Another way is that Jeran has been grifting this entire time, and was using these round-earth enthusiasts who simply can't stand to let random people be wrong on the internet as a way to put an end to the flat earth chapter of his life and move onto something new. Making a $35,000 trek to Antartica to see the 24-hour sun is a very unnecessarily elaborate way to test the flat earth theory when they could have simply waited a few months and caught a commercial flight to Alaska. You gotta think that at some point when Jaren was preparing for his journey, he must have had the thought that if he were right about the 24-hour sun being fake, The Final Experiment wouldn't have ponied up $35K to fund his trip. If he truly believed this trip was going to prove him right, by the time he got on the first plane he must have known he was cooked. When you put it that way... maybe Jaren did just scam some people into paying for a once in a lifetime experience.

Regardless, now that Jaren has admitted of the error of his ways, all of his followers can rest assured that the earth is in fact a sphere. They'll all follow Jaren's lead, admit they were wrong, and move on folding currency in search of clues about government secrets.


Guess they still have a ways to go with the flat earth people. Looks like The Final Experiment has a few more people to send to bottom of the planet. I can't help but think The Final Experiment guys are the losers in all of this. They spend their lives beating their heads against the wall trying to further prove an already proven fact to a very small, but very loud faction of the internet that will never change their minds under any circumstances (except for this one guy who apparently put all his flat earth stock on the 24-hour sun thing). I bet they're besides themselves that the replies to their video are still full of deniers. Just let it go guys. Move on to something knew. You have nothing left to prove.