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The Latest Explanation Being Floated by the Government: Those are Chinese Spy Drones Over New Jersey

If there was any doubt remaining that we're living in a simulation and it's taking its plot from a Tom Clancy novel, it's this. The once and soon-to-be Commander-in-Chief of the United States saying that the government he's about to be running again knows exactly what is buzzing over the skies of New Jersey, other states, and sensitive military facilities, but refuses to tell us. And while he doesn't exactly sound worried, he's going to give his property in the area a good leaving alone for a while. 

Whether he's right that the feds know, and he's right to demand they clue the people who pay all their salaries, remains to be seen. But the part where they're refusing to tell us anything has been made abundantly clear. When the guy with all the an entire Ace Hardware on his chest whose job it is to tell us things refuses to tell us things:

... there's no arguing the point. This is the Pentagon spokesman, telling us that speaking for the Pentagon is not his department. The equivalent of pulling up to a car wash and being told you have to pull up to some other place of business to get your car washed. 

Well someone did, in fact, take General Knownothing's advice and asked someone from Congress instead. And despite all the assertions that nobody knows what these things are zizzing around harassing New Jersey's mobsters, derelicts, and other assorted Giants fans, but there's nothing to worry about. 

One highly influential legislator says they know exactly what they are. And there are fucktons to worry about:

Source - House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Michael McCaul said Tuesday he believes that some of the unidentified drones spotted above New Jersey and New York are “spy drones” from China — after Biden administration officials insisted many of the sightings are innocent commercial aircraft. 

“We want answers but the response I’m getting is ‘We don’t know whose drones these are,'” McCaul (R-Texas) told reporters before executive branch officials offered a classified briefing to members of the House Intelligence Committee.

“I was with the NASA administrator, Bill Nelson, he said that these drones have been reported over military sites, military bases. I would not think those are friendly. I would think those are adversarial,” McCaul said. …

[T]he PRC and Communist China is very good at this stuff. We know they bought land around military bases. This would be very consistent with their policy over the past couple years,” McCaul added.

Well alrighty, then. So we can add this theory to the one where the other Congressman said they come from an Iranian mothership parked off the East Coast. And the one that said these are just New Jersey toy drone enthusiasts. And the one that said they're planes being mistaken for drones because people are stupid.  And the UFO idea:


Plus we've got Trump, roughly a month away from being sworn in, saying our military knows exactly where they're being launched and could take out "the garage" right now if they wanted to. Making the whole situation as clear as mud. 

Which I'm assuming is exactly how the people in charge want it. And why I've landed on the most plausible explanation of all. That this whole thing is a psyop. Meant to distract us from some other thing. Or to get us afraid to the point we'll give the government more power in exchange for some perceived level of safety. 

Here's someone claiming to be an expert on psyops. Make of him and his theory what you will. Just note that three days after this was posted, it's already up to 2.5 million views:

Based on everything we've learned about how the federal government has operated in the past few years, but really since the Cold War, can you really put it past them to stage this? To incite some level of worry or panic, for reasons that benefit powerful interests at our expense? 

It's the Hegelian Dialectic in action. Create a problem. Cause a reaction. Offer a solution. Understand that fear and hysteria will make the average person accept limits on their rights in order to make the problem go away. And don't be at all surprised if, in the next few days or weeks, there's a Department of Aerial Threats Neutralization or something. One that's going to promise to keep you safe from these unexplained phenomena. But to do so, they'll need access to your phone, your emails, and your bank info. But not to worry, it's for your own good. 

I certainly hope I'm wrong. But there's a pattern of this kind of thing. It might sound like paranoid nonsense. But just because we're paranoid doesn't mean they're not out to get us.