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Top Scientists Can't Explain How Violent This Drunk Eagles Fan Crashing Into A Beer Can Christmas Tree Sounded

So this video pops up from the Eagles tailgate yesterday and admittedly, the first time I watched it I didn't have the volume on. When you watch the video without any audio, it doesn't do anything for me. Some drunk jackass kind of, sort of slowly riding a bike into a small Christmas tree. Far from the craziest thing you'll see at an Eagles tailgate. 

But then when it popped up on my timeline again, something magical happened. The volume was turned on and what in the actual fuck did we just witness here? It appears to be harmless enough. Buddy can't be traveling any faster than like 4 MPH. But somehow when he hits that Christmas tree, it sounds like a bomb went off. Like you have an entire bowling alley living right in your eardrums. Like a goddamn 12 car pileup. 

It doesn't make a lick of sense. Top scientists from all across the globe have been trying to come up with a reasonable explanation, but nothing seems to add up here. They're dumbfounded, befuddled, stupefied at what has occurred here. Maybe all the drones over New Jersey are just put there to distract us from trying to find the answers here. 

Sidenote: Almost positive this is the "it's nice to be back with the tailgate boys" guy. 
