
The Easiest Way To Steal An iPad Is To Steal It From A 4 Year Old Kid



Not to sound cruel but that’s just good thievery right there.  Plain and simple.  It might be cruel and it might be really mean and it might be bottom-of-the-barrel but at the end of the day it’s effective.  Not to mention thieves don’t give a shit about morals. Ain’t no rules for dope fiends or thieves.  Lemme ask you something. Let’s say you’re put in a position where you have to steal an iPad and you don’t wanna get caught. On one side of the room, there’s a full grown male adult playing Angry Birds on his iPad and on the other side of the room there’s a 4 year old child playing Angry Birds on his iPad.  Who are you gonna steal from?  The 4 year old in a SpongeBob SquarePants shirt obviously. Watch that video again. Kid doesn’t even know what happened and that’s the point. An adult would be like, “Hey that person just stole my iPad” and he’d chase you down the street and beat you to a pulp.  That guy who stole the iPad was already 10 blocks away before anyone knew what happened.