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Does Pickleball Need Enforcers?: Maniac Kicks His Opponent In The Face After Losing Pickleball Match

Now that's what I call a foot fault. 

Okay so listen--I'm not condoning this behavior or anything, but....can we please take a moment to just appreciate how clean that kick ended up being? Like we'll talk about how big of a scumbag this dude is a little later, but the sound of that kick and the fact that the hat went flying? That's as pure of a connection as you're going to get. If you're going to end up being an asshole who gets taken out of a shitty pickleball tournament in handcuffs and end up all over the internet being a piece of shit, you might as well make the most of it. 

Also not to victim blame here, but maybe celebrating like you just won a quarterfinal match at Wimbledon after winning the game on a foot fault call is a bit much. Not saying you shouldn't be allowed to be excited or anything. But you're playing in a tournament that has temporary nets set up and maybe 2 fans in the whole facility. All I'm saying is that you either end up looking like a massive hardo celebrating like that, or an even bigger hardo out there is going to kick you in the skull. Lose-lose scenario if you ask me. 

I love the shit out of pickleball. It consumes much of my life. I think about it when I wake up in the morning, I love every minute I'm out there playing, I think about all the shots I wish I had back on my drive home, and I think about playing tomorrow before I fall asleep. Throughout all those thoughts, never once has it crossed my mind to kick my opponent's jaw off their skull. There are definitely moments when you're playing that you wouldn't mind drilling your opponent with a shot, but the idea of kicking someone in the face hasn't even touched my mind. Which leads me to believe that this person is what we'd refer to as a goddamn deranged lunatic who realistically ought to be locked up somewhere. Because if the most fun game ever could still result in you kicking someone's face in, then I don't even want to know what you're capable off of the pickleball court. 

P.S. -- I bet this guy's friend has to be PISSED that the video got out of his boy getting kicked IN THE FACE and then him not doing a single thing about it. Not even a single punch or anything. Hell, he even walked away and would have let the dude leave the court. Talk about an all-time shitty friend. 

