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A Word To The Wise At Warner Music Group: STAND DOWN. Dave Portnoy Says He Has “An Entire Album Worth Of Diss Tracks” Ready To Go for “Dirtbag” Zach Bryan

The saga continues... 

So last night we were unsure as to why Dave and Josh's song kept getting taken down. My blog went up this morning and 

Today, on The Unnamed Show we found out from Dave what happened 

So the suspicions last night about Josh's recording deal with Warner Music from a few years ago ended up being the reason. 

We just wrapped up taping this week's episode of Barstool Backstage with special guest Dave Portnoy, and besides telling us all about what it was like creating this song (Dave said he did in fact write a few of his own lines- Josh wrote all of his own, and Rone helped Dave with the rest), recording it, and making the music video, he went in depth on how he felt about Zach Bryan from day 1. 

He also said that after tonight's episode of BFF's with Brianna drops, he's interested to see what people think of Zach after they hear what he's really like in Bri's own words. He said it's a must watch. Something he also brought up on The Unnamed Show 


Watch the whole Unnamed episode here - 

Also during the Unnamed taping he mentioned how he had an entire album's worth of diss tracks ready to go for Zach if Warner continues to fuck with him like this. 

During our Backstage recording, he said Rone texted him that he had one "even worse than the worst one they had earlier". And he said that one was really bad. 

We here LOVE Warner Music. They love Barstool, they love Backstage, and they are constantly reaching out to us offering us their artists for interviews, access to shows, and ideas to collaborate. But, as Dave mentioned talking to us, do they not have any clue that Barstool has one of the best battle rappers alive right now on its payroll? The amount of material Rone has pumped out in such a short amount of time is scary. He is definitely not somebody you want to be on the bad side of. Also- have they never seen how trying to fight Dave Portnoy plays out for people? Hint- not well. 

If they just ignored this whole thing, let the Barstool crowd have their fun with it, and spread it around for a few days, this thing is probably over with and the buzz dies out over the weekend. Next week it's onward and upward, on to the next big deal in the ever-revolving news cycle. 

But instead, they (more than likely at the request of their artist (who Dave claims has the thinnest skin of anybody he's ever met)) issued one copyright infringement takedown, and then a second, and fanned the flames. Now this thing is front page news all over the internet, Rolling Stone, E! News, US Weekly, and TMZ are all covering it and everybody's waiting for what's going to happen next. 

It's almost like Dave has perfected the art of the mousetrap or something. Weird. 

You can watch the whole BFF's episode here when it premiers in a few hours - 


p.s. - I know people are mad I keep writing about this but please do me a favor and suck it. I am covering this story for 2 reasons.

1- it's one of the biggest stories on the internet and in music right now. Don't believe me, check social media. The song isn't even allowed on the three biggest streaming platforms in the world and it's still trending on tiktok with people making their own videos to it all over the place. 

2- both Nate and Hubbs messaged me separately and told me they thought "this story was the perfect lane for me" to cover. That's never happened since I started writing here so it's a big deal to me and I'm going to do what I was asked/told because that's what good teammates do. 

3- it's never a bad thing to be on Dave's good side. He just came on our podcast Barstool Backstage and did over a half hour with us talking all about what went into making this song, the backstory on what a "dirtbag" Zach Bryan is (his words, not mine), and what he has in store for him. So this thing shows no signs of slowing down. 
