
Jordan Davis Now Leads The Entire NFL In Avoiding Bee Stings

Allow me to conduct a brief social experiment here real quick. Let's tear down the 4th wall and give everybody a peak behind the curtain. 

I'm sure most people can gather that I like to cover more...niche sports. Hockey, lacrosse, pickleball, etc. All sports that I love, am passionate about, so I enjoy writing about them. Now contrary to popular belief, I'm not an idiot. I understand the market for those topics isn't massive. I'm aware it takes me about 13 NHL blogs to get the equivalent pageviews to one Karim blog about Sydney Sweeney's tits. It's why I pretty much always write the 2nd or 3rd most blogs on the site per week (Reags is a sick bastard who writes more blogs in one month than most people do in a year), but that's only good enough for me to barely be cracking the top 10 in terms of pageviews. 

Everybody knows that football is king in America. Football players can't take a shit without it at least getting mentioned in the B block of Get Up. So I'm curious to see here if a blog about Jordan Davis dancing to get a bee off his back does better "numbies" than a blog about Connor McDavid doing one of the most impressively athletic things you've ever seen on a sheet of ice. It's a moderately entertaining clip. 17-seconds long, which is perfect for the modern day attention span. I'm sure there are worse topics to blog in the NFL today. But can a massive 336 lb defensive tackle dancing to evade a bee sting drive more traffic than Sidney Crosby scoring yet another overtime goal in his 20th season? I guess we'll have to wait and see. 

Go Birds. 

Sidenote: I had a streak of 20 years between the ages of 10-30 where I didn't get stung by a bee at all. Was one of the more impressive feats in the world. But from 30-32, I've been stung 3 times. It's always tough to find out in real time that you just don't have it anymore.
