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Basketball Guy: Vandy Coach Mark Byington Listed Every Player On Its Official Roster As A Point Guard Because He Wants Them To Act Like PG's On The Court

Goddamnit this is so stupid that I have no choice but to love the move. You can list people whatever you want to on the official roster. The only complain is just call them basketball players. That's how you really embrace the dumb mentality coaches can have with this sort of thing. This is how the Vandy turn around starts though. You got Mark Byington in year 1 after winning with James Madison coming in and naming everyone a point guard. Next up, name every assistant coach a head coach so they think that way. Name everyone a starter, why stop at point guard? 

This is what I wanted to see today though. We're getting close to the regular season. I know how college basketball works. You get the diehards who watch every single game all the way through. You get the mix of fans who will watch some of the early big season games before jumping in after football and then the people who just wait for March. It's how the sport is, we can't change it without changing the whole schedule which is never going to happen. But, it's been too quiet lately in terms of dumb shit like this that we typically see in December. 

It's up to the players now. You gotta go on the floor and think you're a point guard. Need everyone launching shots, bringing the ball up, initiating the offense. No getting inside the post. If Mark Byington wants you to think like a point guard, gotta embrace it. I think Vandy will be better, but you're still in a loaded SEC and likely going to finish last. Got nothing to lose.