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'Play Better' - Sean Payton Doesn't Want To Hear The Panthers Crying About Getting Blown Out, Offers The Only Logical Solution To Them

I blogged about this earlier today and said essentially the same thing. It's the NFL, play better. Ironically that's exactly what Sean Payton said today: 

Is it hilarious that Sean Payton was bored and did this against one of the worst teams in the league? Of course! It's what you should do when you're up big. But at the same time we can't sit here and praise Dan Campbell for trying to get a big man touchdown against the Cowboys because they suck too. Okay, I want to take that back. Doing anything against the Cowboys like that is fucking hilarious. But Sean Payton is trying to get the Broncos into decent territory. They've been so bad for so long and now they are at least finally okay. That's saying a lot the way the league is right now. 

I simply can't think of a dumber argument or anything like that outside of people crying about sportsmanship or running up the score. Like I said before, that's not a thing. You should be trying to win by as much as you possibly can the moment teams care about scores. It's sports! It's what the whole thing is based on. There are winners and losers. Disrespectful? It's 100x more disrespectful when a team obviously stops scoring just to show mercy. They know you have zero chance of coming back and think it's too easy of a game. 

Payton needs to embrace Dan Campbell now though. Next game? Trick play on play 1. Can't just do it against the Panthers, gotta do it against everyone. Be the guy who wants to run up the score. Be the guy who runs trick plays no matter the score or situation. Most importantly don't ever be the guy crying about getting your ass kicked.